Wednesday, December 3, 2014

my very first pendleton product has been ordered

There they are!
I did it. I ordered something Pendleton and it was not a blanket. (And thanks for the outlet tip on that last post!) It was a custom pair of Nikes that I designed myself - with the help of my stylish husband - with a fabric option of...wait for it, wait for it...Pendleton wool. Can you believe it? I am thrilled! We had a custom sneaker making party two nights ago and really went for it.  In a few weeks, I will be the proud new owner of Pendleton Nikes. He made a super fresh, hot pair of New Balances that are scheduled to come in a few days. I wish mine were coming as quickly as his were, but regardless - I am jazzed and can be patient. It was a really fun process and almost everything on the sneaker is customizable, even the swish. I had it yellow until my husband played around with it and made it gray.  I was also between red rivets vs. the raspberry colored ones, but went with pink because they match my backpack. I am really freaking excited and cannot wait to see the package on our doorstep! Merry Christmas/Happy Birthday to us/me!      

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