Tuesday, January 20, 2015

yeah in the magic, if you knew who you are

The modern soul musical collaborative Jungle has been rocking my world for months. (I stole that description from Wikipedia.) I cannot believe I have not written about it until now. I want everyone I know to PLEASE listen to it, learn the music, and get ready to dance if we are hanging out. All I want to do is a have a few glasses of wine and bop around to it. The best songs from their self-titled album are Accelerate, Crumbler, Son of a Gun, Lemonade Lake, and Platoon. Platoon was the song that led me to discover the band, but Accelerate has become my most favorite jam. Click here to listen to it and find time to listen to the others. This music is GOOD. You need it in your life. Please trust. I promise you won't be able to stay still.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy you blogged about this. I could not get this out of my head and didn't know who it was. YESSS! Thanks Krast!!!


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