Monday, March 9, 2015

fresh beats for warmer temps and a healthier lifestyle

Lucius - one fine looking band.
I tend to be more motivated about life when I have a few fresh jams to listen to. I re-listened to my Shazam queue last Friday night when I was home sitting in front of the fireplace with my husband. I ended up getting rid of most of the songs and questioned what I was thinking when I recorded the artist and title. Thankfully, I knocked it out of the park with three of the songs and purchased them yesterday. Normally I purchase single songs, but buying two of the three albums seemed like a better idea because of the price (< $10). In this day and age, I say if you can get a song for $.99 or $1.29 vs. an entire album for $7.99, buy the album! The three songs are below and I ended up buying Father John Misty and Lucius. Happy listening!

Lucius - Turn It Around
Of Monsters and Men - Mountain Sound

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