Wednesday, June 3, 2015

the jersey shore is "shore" to please

Sandy Hook - our beach!
Hello summer, though I am writing this in pants, a shirt, and a jacket! However, summer IS officially here and like most summers, I have been going a mile a minute. Everyone thinks that in the world of fundraising & development things slow down during the warmer months, but in my experience that is never the case - especially for someone that manages the database. While certain people's donor visits may slow down, my work is in full swing because people actually have the time to pay attention to processes and procedures. But enough about work and more about the beach! 

Summer is also our busy season for guests, weddings, and trips to the beach, which is why I have been missing in action from the ol' blog. Truth be told, things are going to get worse before they get any better because I am busy again this weekend, but I wanted to check-in and reassure people I have not forgotten about this little project. While I prefer writing when I am sitting in front of a computer or laptop, I think I need to get better about writing on my phone. I've downloaded the Blogger I just need to use it. 

Life has been pretty crazy lately too, and that combined with my busy work schedule has not really lent itself to much artistic and creative exploration. My husband and I actually had a conversation last Saturday about Columbia House and those deals where you could pick out twelve CDs for a penny and I was going to write about that, but I didn't feel enough about it to dedicate an entire blog post to it. I also want to share my outlook on traffic and my thoughts about how we can make the world a better place by teaching people the kinds of behaviors that create traffic, but that is not fun. While I do share a few serious and sometimes sad posts, I try my best to make this a light and enjoyable read for folks. So, here is to writing more (after the weekend) and being happy. Enjoy your week & weekend, and think sun!     

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