Thursday, June 11, 2015

the first savory yogurt with milk from grass-fed cows

I have yet to try it, but a friend recently posted a photo of some savory Blue Hill Yogurt with a very positive review. I had definitely seen it before - the packaging is beautiful and caught my eye during a trip to Whole Foods - but it was soon after I tried some tomato wine I picked up in western Massachusetts...which was AWFUL. When I saw the yogurt with flavors such as tomato, beet, and butternut squash, I was intrigued, but the horror of the tomato wine resonated enough to make me run in the opposite direction. Well, that was more than a few months ago and after hearing something positive about it, (I think) I am willing to try it. I don't remember it being very cheap, but if it is a delicious breakfast option I am more than willing to splurge, especially because I WANT to eat yogurt for breakfast, I just get sick of it really quickly and it begins to gross me out. I am also interested in adding it to smoothies and trying out some of their recipes. Click here to visit their website.

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