Monday, October 20, 2014

as the weather gets colder, the nose drips more

A lot of people have issues with hankies, but I am not one of those people. I love handkerchiefs. (They remind me of my grandfathers and my dad.) I used to be against them when I was in my annoying teenage years, but now I love them and when I think about all the kleenex I have saved by using them I get happy. I know it is a little disgusting, shoving your snot filled hanky back in your bag, but it eventually dries and once it gets really dirty, you just wash it. The soft cloth is much gentler on your nose than kleenex too - yes, even Puffs. They feel soft at first, but after a few days of using them they make your nose red and irritated. I guess the same happens with hankies, but they slow down the reddening process. I have plain white hankies and hankies with K's on them, like the photo. I really love when I get a K one. As the weather gets colder, blowing your nose becomes more and more of a daily habit, and if you don't already have one - grab a hanky.  


  1. Kat (Coons) RobbinsMonday, October 20, 2014

    Hear, hear! I'm a hankie lover too! Especially the older, embroidered ones, if they're still thick/absorbent enough. (I don't know why I never comment on here-I love so much of what you write!)-Kat (Coons) Robbins

    1. You are the absolute sweetest! This really brightened my day. It makes me happy to know you are not only reading it, but also enjoying it. Thank you for your comment. xo


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